Alaska Ptarmigan hunting near Coldbay
Alaska ptarmigan hunting is open to the public for all unguided DIY trips. Although we recommend that you hunt very conservatively as in the past some other hunters and guides have taken advantage of the liberal limits for Ptarmigan and have over hunted them very badly. We as sportsmen would ask any of our friends and guest’s to please only hunt them on a limited basis so that the populations can rebound for the future. Willow Ptarmigan along with a few Rock ptarmigan inhabit the coldbay and surrounding areas. During the late fall there feathers change color for modeled brown and white to almost all white this helps them hide from predators such as the Arctic foxes, Wolves and Eagles.
A 20 gauge shotgun with #6-7 1/2 shot is all you need for these small upland birds, there meat is blood red from there continuous diet of berries including crow berries, salmon berries and blue berries. Any ptarmigan you harvest will be eaten by you while at the lodge as appetizers or taken home No birds will be waisted or discarded as its unethical and Illegal. The surrounding hulls and old dirt roads make for a great setting of walking for hours hunting Ptarmigan it will fill in the gaps between waterfowl hunting and fishing .