Coldbay Adventures is based in the town of Coldbay Alaska on Private land, 3 miles from the World Famous Izembek Wildlife refuge & Izembek State Game refuge.
Our Hunting Areas Izembek/Coldbay Area Maps
Cold Bay Adventures trips start and finish on our property in Coldbay, our trucks, boats and decoys and equipment are yours to use anywhere you want to. The Town of Coldbay offers road access for non guided hunters on all state and federal lands including Izembek Refuge, Izembek State lagoon, Coldbay, Kinzarof lagoon and Russel creek as all residents and Nonresidents are allowed to Access and utilize all lands surrounding Coldbay accessible by rental boat or rental truck excluding Private or Native controlled land.
These hunting areas includes all uplands and wetlands on Izembek Federal Wildlife refuge along with all submerged tideland and open water controlled by the State of Alaska Izembek Game Refuge. Here is a map of the 2 areas it can be a little confusing although in general all the federal uplands above high tide are federally controlled, Where the State controls most of the water portions and submerged tidelands to the high tide mark.
Izembek wildlife Refuge Map
Izembek Lagoon is truly a Duck and goose hunters heaven and considered the #1 Alaskan hunt destination for diehard Waterfowl hunters.
So in short whatever kind of adventure you want we can help you with it. From layout boat hunts in open water to field sets for Canada’s. Or a trophy Emperor Goose or Harlequin we have it all in place and are ready to show our guest’s a great time. The entire staff will take good care of you in Coldbay and you are assured of a once in a lifetime adventure .
Waterfowl Perfection all in one Place. No other federal or state permits are required for Nonguided activities as its open to the public.
Any guided activities or Commercial transportation across the refuge requires a Permit. Coldbay Adventures does not Transport-or offers any commercial services inside The federal refuge as do not hold that permit.